When to Choose Expedite Logistics
Even if you’re familiar with expedite logistics, you may not know exactly when to use them. But that’s not your fault. Unfortunately, expedite suffers from stereotyping. Many shippers will only consider using it in certain situations, like for emergency deliveries or when special handling is needed.
The reasons for the stereotyping include the perceived extra cost of expedited shipping and the disruption it might cause to your usual transportation channels. But the stereotypes can make it difficult to see the advantages of expedited logistics in other situations.
Yes, emergencies and special handling requirements are absolutely among the best times to put expedite to work. But they aren’t the only times. And they aren’t even the only times that justify the added costs.
3 More Times to Choose Expedite Logistics
Product Launches
If your shipping requirements regularly include product launches, you know the logistical nightmare they can be. But think back to a typical launch. How many of those logistics headaches were due to getting products out the door on time? Imagine what you could do with the added time if there’s wasn’t such a rush to get out the door. Imagine how many of the headaches and costs, you wouldn’t have to endure.
Customer Service
You know what they say about the costs of keeping a customer versus finding a new one. You also know how much it can impact your client’s business if shipments arrive with missing items. How much is it worth to your customer, and to your business, for them to get that the missing items before the damage being done? Expedite logistics can help you keep your current customers and reduce the need to find new ones.
Border Delays
Especially in the past two years, border delays have become more of a norm than an exception. But that doesn’t mean that you, or your clients, should just accept the added delay and costs. At least not if those added costs make expedite logistics options make a lot of sense.
What challenges are you currently facing that are disrupting your supply chain, ultimately impacting how you service your customers? My team and I are ready to help you optimize your supply chain. Contact me today to discuss how we can support your growth.
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